root cause healing

Have you been searching for a plan just for you? Based on what your body needs? This consult is for the person seeking guidance on discovering the root cause as to why they don’t feel great.

Digging into the research, I discovered that our blood work and patterns in our blood work show so much more than what we are told. Even if you have been told your labs are “normal”, I read it a different way, to get you optimally healthy.

In addition to blood work, we also muscle test and can order GI map tests, hormones Dutch tests, and more to create a healing formula unique to you.

You are one of one, and your health should be thought of that way. Our approach to personalized wellness is focused around bio-individual bloodwork and if needed, additional functional medicine tests. We measure your bloodwork against a more stringent set of guidelines to create plans for personalized success.

customized wellness.


“I am so thankful for our appointment, I have never felt more heard than during that call. Going through each blood work marker and talking through what that marker meant, where I am at, and what would be causing something to be high/low was worth its weight in gold. I feel so hopeful knowing finally what is causing my symptoms, and not having to take a million supplements to heal. Thank you for your knowledge, caring, and plan to heal. I am so excited to get back to feeling like me!”-JC


  • No! Blood work is just one tool we use. If you don’t want blood work done, there are definitely other modalities we can use to get to the root cause of your health symptoms. These include muscle testing, bio-frequency testing, gut tests, hormone tests and more.

    Make an appointment to talk through what is going on so we can create an action plan that is best for you.

  • I lived it! I experienced 18 years of being on and off house bound. I realized through my personal journey it is not just about taking supplements. It’s about digging deeper, and looking at the body, mind, and spirit as a whole. My approach is more WHOLE-isitic health.

  • I recieved my Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Portland State University. From there I worked at hospitals for 10 years before diving into holistic education. I received my Traditional Naturopath degree from Institute of Holistic Studies and then took additional energy healing trainings, blood work trainings, attended conference, muscle testing, and had mentors that I put together how I now work today.

  • No. Therefore, I do not practice medicine and do not diagnose or treat diseases or medical conditions. I focus my practice on promoting health and optimal function. My services are not meant to substitute or replace those of a medical doctor but my programs are meant to work in conjunction with them.

    I do not prescribe or make recommendations about prescription medications or controlled substances. Your prescribing medical doctor will manage all medications. I use natural, noninvasive methods to include immune therapy, homeopathy, herbs, supplements, and lifestyle changes to address the underlying causes of disease and promote optimal function and health.

  • I work with a wide variety of health issues. Digestive issues, autoimmune conditions, allergic response, inflammatory conditions, MCAS, POTS, Lyme, PANDAS/PANS, Mold toxicity, Epstein Barr Virus, Long Haul Covid, Metabolic issues, mood and energy issues all walk through our practice. Bottom line- everything has a root cause and regardless of the symptoms or current diagnosis you’ve been given- the vast majority of conditions are linked to a dysregulated immune response and chronic infections.

  • Yes! Please email if you want updated bloodwork before your first appointment (not applicable to those in RI, NY, NJ). We can also use older blood work from your doctor.